

Search extension provides support for searching the entire database for a specified value.


We are rewriting the calling syntax and this documentation may be out of date.

In the sample database, the records in the Suppliers table are as follows:

Now, we query for records containing ch in the ContactName or CompanyName column in the Suppliers table:

var query = (
    from s in context.Suppliers.Search("ch", s => new
    select new

The output is:

SELECT "s"."SupplierID", "s"."ContactName", "s"."CompanyName"
FROM "Suppliers" AS "s"
    ("s"."ContactName" IS NOT NULL)
    AND ('ch' = '' OR instr("s"."ContactName", 'ch') > 0)
OR 'ch' = '' OR instr("s"."CompanyName", 'ch') > 0
| SupplierID | ContactName   | CompanyName                            |
| 13         | Sven Petersen | Nord-Ost-Fisch Handelsgesellschaft mbH |
| 17         | Michael Bj?rn | Svensk Sj?f?da AB                      |
| 19         | Robb Merchant | New England Seafood Cannery            |
| 22         | Dirk Luchte   | Zaanse Snoepfabriek                    |

Things are starting to get interesting.

If you want to search in a related table, you only need a little modification.

For example, we query the records containing ch in the CompanyName column in the Suppliers table and the ProductName of its associated table Products:

var query = (
    from s in context.Suppliers.Search("ch", s => new
        _ = from p in s.Products select p.ProductName,
    select new
        Products = string.Join(",",
            from p in s.Products
            select p.ProductName
SELECT "s"."SupplierID", "s"."CompanyName", "p0"."ProductName", "p0"."ProductID"
FROM "Suppliers" AS "s"
LEFT JOIN "Products" AS "p0" ON "s"."SupplierID" = "p0"."SupplierID"
WHERE 'ch' = '' OR instr("s"."CompanyName", 'ch') > 0 OR EXISTS (
    SELECT 1
    FROM "Products" AS "p"
    WHERE "s"."SupplierID" = "p"."SupplierID" AND ('ch' = '' OR instr("p"."ProductName", 'ch') > 0))
ORDER BY "s"."SupplierID"
| SupplierID | CompanyName                            | Products                                                       |
| 5          | Cooperativa de Quesos 'Las Cabras'     | Queso Cabrales,Queso Manchego La Pastora                       |
| 11         | Heli Sü?waren GmbH & Co. KG            | NuNuCa Nu?-Nougat-Creme,Gumb?r Gummib?rchen,Schoggi Schokolade |
| 13         | Nord-Ost-Fisch Handelsgesellschaft mbH | Nord-Ost Matjeshering                                          |
| 16         | Bigfoot Breweries                      | Sasquatch Ale,Steeleye Stout,Laughing Lumberjack Lager         |
| 25         | Ma Maison                              | Tourtière,Paté chinois                                         |
| 26         | Pasta Buttini s.r.l.                   | Gnocchi di nonna Alice,Ravioli Angelo                          |

The Search extension provides the following search methods:

defaultContainsAny specified field contains the search string.
NotContainsThe search string is not included in any of the specified fields.
EqualsAny specified field equals the search string.
NotEqualsNone of the specified fields are equal to the search string.